Online poker has become incredibly popular among people under the age of 30. So much so, many online casinos are now targeting this demographic in their advertising as so many young adults now love to play poker.
Why is poker so popular among young adults, and is that likely to continue?
Online poker is fun — With so many poker online tables to join, and so many people to play with, the game is fun. No matter what time of the day people want to play, or how much money they have to spend.
When you throw in that online poker games are also much faster than offline games, the average young adult can play three or four times more hands online than off.
Free money to gamble with — Most of the reputable online casinos also offer their players free money to gamble with. This money comes in the form of free cash bonuses for registering, and other bonuses throughout the month as they continue to play at the same casino.
This allows them to play poker even longer than they can offline, thus making it even more fun again.
The video game mentality — The vast majority of young adults have grown up playing video games. That means moving online to play poker seems just as natural to them as playing offline feels to most of those over the age of 70.
The online casinos also make playing on them very much like playing video games. Their casinos are bright and colorful, full of flashing lights and sounds and often have the feel of a video game. Young people flock to them in droves as this is an environment that seems familiar to them.
Easy to move up to a higher stakes game — Young adults are sometimes intimidated when playing poker offline, as they want to move up the stakes levels but are not sure if it is the right time.
Online poker makes that very easy, as there are so many poker tables you can move up to a higher stakes level one day and move back down the day after.
The large pots — Young adults often really get into playing poker online as the pots can be so much bigger than those offline.
Not only are there more professional players that play high stakes games, the casinos themselves will often introduce larger pots to make it more fun.
Online poker tournaments — Many casinos also have online poker tournaments, and young adults love them.
These tournaments are a wonderful way to win prize money, as well as to practice their poker skills and play against some of the best players.
Some young people play in a tournament at least once a week. Especially as this was not possible when they played offline.