06 Apr A Few Rewarding Tips for Beginners in Online Poker
Just because you are a beginner to online poker, doesn’t mean you have to play like one. There are plenty of excellent players that make a living just pushing around weak players, so you have to do everything you can to hide the fact that you’re new to the game.
Here are a couple of the ways you can transform your game and start building a bankroll on a steady basis.
Mixing Up Game Play
The one thing that the better players will do at the online poker tables is to look for weak players betting patterns. If these weak players are betting the same hands, raising the same hands, and folding the same hands, eventually the best players will figure it out. The key here is to make an effort to play hands differently so you are not an easy mark for the better players to come after your stack.
Keeping Your Game A Secret
New players to the online poker tables love using the chat feature to talk about their hands. They are complaining about getting poor starting hands, getting beat at the river with a draw, or being bluffed off the nuts by another pot bully. These same weak players flash their hole cards all the time, giving the table even more free information. The best way to stop players from figuring out your hands is to stop giving them free information. Play the hands tighter, turn off the chat feature, and stop flashing your hole cards after a big bluff.
Avoiding Being a Calling-Station
In the world of agen poker online, a calling-station is someone who keeps calling any bet just to see the next card. Regardless the size of the bet or the quality of the hands, these calling-stations think they can improve their hands, so they simply stay in the game for as long as they can. The calling-station is one who leaks a ton of chips during a game, and the better players spot them quickly and try to be the ones taking those chips. If you have a bad had, let it go early and you’ll be in a new hand in minutes.
Choosing the Right Poker Tables
Many new players to online poker don’t understand why they can’t seem to get moving in a positive direction, regardless the tables they decide to play. What these new players fail to recognize is that you get to see a lot about the players at the poker tables before you have to play a single hand. If the table has a max buy-in, let’s say it is $50, and you see an open seat but all the other players are sitting with $100 or more, then you picked the wrong table to play. These players will pick you off or bully you around at will.
These rewarding tips for beginners in online poker will help you to start moving in the right direction and keep the other players from trying to pick you off.